Federal City Iron
Federal City Iron

Who Works At Federal City Iron?

We want our customers to feel safe knowing a little bit about ourselves, and what brought us to this company. Each of our full time employees has been listed below with a picture and short bio.


Marshall May

Owner of Federal City Iron and Graduated from Frostburg State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts

Has worked with steel since 2008

Well versed in manufacturing steel products in "Capitol Hill" style and can work with customers to find what style fits


"I'm a usually very quiet and have tried to be more outgoing. That being said, I want to make sure when I'm finished, that your not only happy with the work we've done, but that you will tell someone else about your experience."


Taj Hassan

Shop Foreman for Federal City Iron

Has worked at FCI since 2013

Has an amazingly good memory for names and faces.

Shows a rare talent for measurements and laying out a complex design for fabrication